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The header component has a prop named extras that can pass storeContext to manage global state, constants, and environment variables:

  storeContext: StoreContext,
  domain: process.env.DOMAIN,
Header Properties







List of menu objects.



menus sub properties







Menu object.



node sub properties







Menu identifier.




Menu title.




Config list for hiding menu on mobile or desktop.




Transparent header background if true.





Color mode of header ("dark" | "light")





Page layout ("home" | "page" | "product" | "collection" | "product-listing" | "bundle")




Reviews object for "product" layout





Accouncement media block object




announcement sub properties







Annoucement identifier.




Anncouncement type ("pencilbar")




List of active site discounts.





Default discount object.





Displays shopping cart if true.





Additional settings for header features.



extras sub properties







Global store context provider.




List of alt content.




List of sitewide alt content

